A couple of weeks ago, I ordered cabochons from
Sophie & Toffee. It's a really cute site for decoden lovers. Similar to
Miniature Sweet.
This is what I ordered:
Cabochon Assortment / Assorted Cabochon / Kawaii Cabochon (B-Grade) - 100pcs
This is the display image for the item.
I know the decoden style I'm into doesn't really involves these cabochons; the whip decoden does mostly. However I've always found cabochons really cute and been curious about them. I also wanted to try including these in future deco projects. So I decided why not buying a random assortment to give it a try. It has a 4.5 stars review, so most people seem satisfied with what they got.
With the shipping, in total it cost me $29.51 USD. These cabochons have small imperfections, so their price is lower.
I placed my order on on July 31st and received the package on August 19th (I live in Canada). The cabochons were well protected in a lot of bubble wrap.
The 100 pieces I got.
Quality-wise, I was really satisfied. They do have defects as written in the site description, but I would say they're small and vary from piece to piece. I got none that was broken.
I'll show you random pieces so you can get the picture.
The "I-don't-really-see-what's-wrong-with-these-cabochons" (these are just examples, so there are actually a bit more like this):
Most of the cabochons have more noticeable imperfections as you will see in the next pictures. Nonetheless I can easily cover them (with a rhinestone, add paint) or leave it as it is.
I'm pretty sure some cabochons sold on Amazon and eBay look like this but aren't labelled as being "imperfect".
I would say this is the most imperfect cabochon
of the whole batch.
Here is after I sorted out the
cabochons I liked the most (top) vs
cabochons I felt meh but still gonna try to use them (bottom right) vs
cabochons I don't like (bottom left, although I changed the two lollipops to put them in the bottom right batch).
Something annoys me though. I didn't like getting 5 big horses unicorns, 4 big "kawaii" flat-pieces, and 5 big flat-hearts.
I know you shouldn't rely entirely on a picture to buy something, and I really didn't rely on the picture to buy them since I was certain the cabochons would have more serious flaws than what was shown on the site picture. But in total, it's still 14 big pieces that are really different from the other small cabochons. Even though I think it's a big amount, the site doesn't show such big (& flat) pieces in its display picture (except for the gingerbread, but still its not flat).
For this reason I think the picture on the site should be more representative of what people will get; this means: they could show these types of cabochons instead of just showing small cabochons and one bigger gingerbread.
I was expecting to receive imperfect cabochons, and I'm totally ok with that. I was also expecting to not like all of the cabochons, which is normal when you haven't chose them. But to receive 14 big and flat cabochons? No.
Of course, if I had received 1, 2 or 3 of them, it would have been ok (for example, I received that big pumpkin and the mermaid, and even though I don't like them, I don't mind.)
Maybe you'll say it's not that bad, cuz I got a rainbow, bows, cards, and a lollipop the same size as them. HOWEVER I got 5 freaking unicorns lol. Why couldn't I get 5 rainbows? (I got 1) Or 5 bows? (I got 2) Or five bunny/bear heads? (I got one of each) Why did it have to be ugly unicorns? Maybe what I'm saying is stupid, but I need to say ittt. Maybe they were just randomly chosen, although I doubt that.
I admit I did get 7 Hello Kitty cabochons that I'm not complaining about, since they're small as I expected and I like HK. So I guess if you're into big unicorns and flat-hearts pieces and "kawaii" flat-pieces, you'll like it.
Overall, I'm satisfied with my purchase. I would give it 3 stars and a half, maybe 4 stars. I thought the pieces would be more damaged but they were not. I like most of them and the quantity is good to last me a while.
But I won't re-order these because this was mainly to satisfy my curiosity - they are not the main type of decoration I work with in my deco projects even though I do plan on using a couple of them. Also I really didn't like getting these 14 cabochons.
This is what I had to say about my first order with Sophie & Toffee. As I said, it still has a 4.5 stars rating, so maybe it's just me who's not fully satisfied. I read reviews about the shop on other blogs, and what people received is really good quality (but the quality wasn't the problem either for me as it was very good). I may place another order in the future for stuffs that are not randomly picked, so then I will know 100% what to expect.