Monday, August 28, 2017

Making image collages

I would say cutting pictures from magazines and then making image collages is one of my hobbies, although I rarely do it. I usually only do it for school stuff, principally agendas and exercise books. It's kind of time-consuming, especially when I don't have a lot of interesting images to work with, but really relaxing (although I personally wouldn't do this during exams.)

I started to do these in my last year of high school (16 y/o). When I was in high school, my sister did three agenda covers for me, but I didn't deny to people it wasn't my work...... they all assumed I was the one behind these..... it was even mentioned in the yearbook.... I still feel guilty about it.

Anyway, here is the usual process I go through :
  1. Cut images I like from magazines (doesn't necessarily have to be done just before making the collage);
  2. Pick out images I like the most;
  3. Try to arrange them (longest step for me; I take multiple pictures of different dispositions before choosing one);
  4. Sticking them with glue/double sided tape;
  5. If nothing is protecting the cover, I cover it with clear plastic book cover (hardest step for me);
  6. Push with a card (like a credit card) on the cover so the images shines again (when there's a clear plastic cover on the pictures, they look kind of cloudy).
Here are somes designs. They can serve as an inspiration if you also decorate (or want to) your agenda; I do myself get inspiration from my past designs.
Some designs definitely ended up looking better than others. Unfortunately, my creativity seems to fade away from year to year (however I do suspect it's also because I've already used up all of my best images for past designs.)


(Sadly, I got a problem while covering the cover with clear plastic;
I accidentally made bubbles and folds, and it looked horrible.
So I tried to removethe clear plastic, but it was so well stuck that
some of the images also got removed. Had to "patch" them back on.)




