Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Trying a hair mask picked up on LHC

In my never-ending quest for long hair, I came across a hair mask posted in a thread by an LHCer. I don't remember which thread, because she linked the hair mask to her blog post and I just clicked on the link and followed the instructions from there.

But anyway, I decided to try this hair mask because Andrea, the lady who posted it – and who by the way has thick long gorgeous hair  said that it made her hair "easy to comb", "shiny" and "soft". And I've been looking for a hair mask that has these properties, as I found the aloe vera gel treatment didn't do that much wonders on my hair. Also, I'm starting to get fairytale ends again. Darn it! I don't know why, I don't even use heat tools frequently. I flat ironed my hair about 3 times in the last 6 months. It does shed a lot though, as usual.

My hair the day before the hair mask.
(They've been washed and just brushed.)

Fortunately, I read (and learned) that fairytale ends don't systematically mean that your hair has reached terminal length, or that it's damaged. This reminded me of when I cut my fairytale ends because I thought it meant they were damaged and that it was the best thing to do. Now I realized I lost some length because of this thinking, grr..

The day of the hair mask

The three ingredients needed for this mask are coconut oil, eggs and olive oil. I substituted olive oil for almond oil because I didn't have olive oil, and hope that didn't screw up the mix (but I don't think so).

The coconut oil I used is from President's Choice:

I bought it on sale at 16.99$ CAD which was a good deal IMO. The one next to it, same quantity (860 ml), different brand, was 21.99$ CAD. Both oils are virgin, cold-pressed and unrefined.

I remember, having talked about coconut oil previously here and here. In the second link, I actually said that coconut oil made my hair dry and frizzy and that I shouldn't use it again... well, memory does fade over time and I didn't remember how null had been my experience with that oil. But I had used coconut oil alone  perhaps I should have used it combined with other ingredients to unleash its true virtues.

Some stuff I did or did not do:
  • I didn't brush my hair prior to applying the mask (because I thought the oils would act similarly as a conditioner and just magically detangle them...)
  • I applied the hair mask on all my hair, except the roots and the ends.
    For the roots, I applied a mixture of almond oil x peppermint oil I sometimes use to massage my head with (this is an attempt at stimulating blood flow thus hair growth, but I can't say it's been very effective, or maybe I'm too blind to see the changes.)
    For the ends, I just left them bare, as Andrea mentioned here that eggs tended to make her hair dryer (I know each hair's different, but I considered it wise to try avoiding that same fate). And anyway, I still got some eggs on the ends cuz I wrapped everything together when I put on my shower cap.
  • I left the mask in my hair for about 1 hour.
  • After washing out the hair mask, I shampooed and conditioned (usual hair wash routine).
  • I didn't put Moroccanoil on my roots after my shower, only some on my ends since they were somewhat tangled.

  • The mask smells very good, whether while on the head or after having been washed. It smells like soft coconut, not overpowering. As the hair dries, the smell does subside though.
  • The mask makes the hair a bit tangled when applied, but I'll admit that I didn't brush my hair beforehand because [see first point form].
  • Even after conditioning my hair, it was hard to detangle. I usually barely have any problems detangling it. This is the amount of hair I shed just detangling it:

In all honesty, I can shed as much when I wash my hair normally, but some hair in that bin definitely comes from the fact that I had trouble detangling it.

I also had some bits of this white stuff in my hair. I was a little bit surprised cuz everything had melted before I had applied the mask in my hair. But there were definitely less than with the aloe vera hair treatment, so that was ok.

Picture below is my hair still drying and not yet brushed. I went to bed after because I was too tired and couldn't wait any longer for it to dry. Oops~

(sorry for dirty mirror)

The morning after the hair mask

Picture taken in the morning, hair not brushed yet

My hair was very greasy, but I expected it because every oil I've used yet makes my hair greasy (except Moroccanoil).

Hair shed after brushing, which is a lot

Got one big knot I usually never get after washing my hair

Hair after being brushed

What I thought about this mask

My hair did look shiny, but I wouldn't say they were super shiny or shinier than usually. I braided my hair after taking the last picture because the strands looked too greasy. Fortunately, because I hadn't put the mixture on my roots, they looked better. But anyway, as I mentioned, I expected my hair to be greasy following this mask so I wasn't very shocked nor disappointed. What annoyed me was how difficult it was to detangle my hair, although I guess that if I had brushed them before applying the mask, this wouldn't have been as much of a problem. I was, however, pleasantly surprised to see that the coconut oil hadn't made my hair dryer and frizzier as I stated earlier in this post.

I will probably try this hair mask again with the same ingredients I used, and of course, I will brush my hair before!

Edit June 29th 2019: Today I made this mask for the 3rd time. I replaced the olive/almond oil for conditioner because I didn't have any. I thought this would help my hair detangle like it did in the aloe vera hair treatment. But my hair got so tangled, even more than the first time I made the mask. I spent about 30 mins in the shower applying conditioner to my hair, but they never detangled thoroughly. I shed a lot of hair during that process and also when I got out of the shower and proceeded to detangle my hair with my fingers. I'm quite frustrated. I hate losing so much hair in such a way that could have been avoided. I probably won't make this hair mask again because it's too unpredictable (I never know if my hair will end up a bird's nest or not). The aloe vera hair treatment was honestly better, but now I don't have any aloe vera leaves left.

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