*pic taken with the lights on hence the yellow-ish colour
I saw this OP for the first time on IG, with Rimo modelling it in the same colour. I first noticed the button placket shaped like a U and I really disliked it. But I really liked the pink plaid as I had never seen such a colour in this pattern. The short sleeves also looked cute with the ribbons and the bows with the lace at the waist was original. Although I felt the collar was a bit plain and found the front placket ugly, both of these issues could be fixed. So I bought the dress, using the ShipForMe service from Yoybuy.
When I received the dress, my mom removed the white frill part as well as the two buttons under the waistline. This is the result:
I personally think the dress looks better now. It could use a little more cinch at the waist though. I'm still thinking about what could be added, but I'm glad the U shape is at least no longer there.
The dress is a little bit short, so I'm planning on wearing a white sukapan underneath, clearly visible.
I've been dissatisfied with Bobon21's recent collections, and this is the first item I really wanted to buy from one of their releases in a long time. I noticed they have shifted style, which is normal, but I'm not very fond of their new stuff.
This being said, I feel the brand let me down again as I am disappointed with my purchase. The fabric feels cheap to the touch. It's also quite stiff which is not very comfortable to wear. Note that the only other OP I own from Bobon21 is a red check dress in wool, so I have no idea if other Bobon21 OPs (not in wool) are as stiff as this one or if it's specific.
Moreover, when I received the dress, the two upper buttons were unbuttoned. Why? Well, their buttonholes were too tight which made it impossible to get the buttons through them. Finally, as you may have already noticed, the spacing between the two upper buttons and the third one is not equal.
The buttonholes were easy to stretch and I guess the buttons wouldn't be too hard to sew again so that they are equally spaced, but still wth? I feel I got this dress from a wannabe website and got ripped off. Granted, if I had paid $8 for the dress, I wouldn't make a fuss about these imperfections. But I paid 5x this price, so one would assume they'd get these things right.
Anyway, just want to show this dress from Miss Patina:
I don't know if this is a coincidence, but the Bobon21 dress really looks similar. I was surprised when I saw it on the Explore page of my IG, via the Shopping feature. No critique intended; I merely thought it was interesting to compare both dresses.
min plume
Back in 2017, I saw a dress while window-shopping on Fril or Mercari, I can't remember exactly. The person selling it had posted this try on picture:
Sorry I can't find the source
I liked the two-pieces effect (one JSK over a blouse), the plaid and the brooch. It has a classy and preppy vibe. The belt is also flattering.
This dress seemed like it was popular when it was released, as I saw other pictures of it in different colours and patterns:
Sorry I can't find the source
I tried to find the OP with all of the accessories (brooch & belt), but the ones still on the market missed the belt or didn't have either the brooch or the belt. Furthermore, the OPs were too pricey for my liking or didn't seem in great condition. I wasn't looking for a colour in particular, as long as it would look good with a black belt and be a plaid pattern.
Because my searches weren't conclusive, I got a bit jaded and moved on to other clothes easier to get hold of. I only saw the OP again about one month ago on eBay. The condition was described as almost new and you could tell by the pictures. It didn't include the belt but it had the brooch, still intact. Overall it was a good deal.
I figured I could eventually buy the belt on eBay; it wouldn't be the one from min plume, unfortunately, but it would at least be easier to find and probably cheaper.
The brooch is so beautiful!
Some diamonds may not shine as much, but I'm being extra.
Love the colour, a deep and rich Bordeaux.
The material is said to be polyester. I noticed it is neither very thick or very thin. It's very soft and comfortable. Also, it doesn't seem prone to lint balls.
Love the matching cuffed sleeves and the little button.
I hate zips in the back and have always avoided buying OPs with zips there. However, I'm making an exception for this dress. Also, the zip is small (so actually quite subtle) and doesn't show that much on a dark colour.
There's a lot of looseness around the waist, but the belt will fix this.
All in all, this purchase went well. I have nothing to complain about the price, the condition or the item. Plus the seller (bottega_dado_japan) was very nice. I had been avoiding to buy used from eBay as I thought I could always buy cheaper on Japanese marketplaces (especially for most Liz Lisa items), but this purchase was definitely worth it. I look forward to buying again from that seller.
This last review may seem weird and biased since I came from nearly a zero with Bobon21 to a 100 with min plume. I don't think a contrast effect is affecting my perception; even if I would have received the OPs at two different moments, I would have had the same comments.
Now off topic, but here's a picture of the onion soup my mom made when I returned home last weekend. It was delicious. Shame I forgot to take a picture of the inside, under the cheese. Also, I didn't eat the soup with a fork, I don't know why it's there.