Friday, December 23, 2016

My first order with HIMI'Store


Today I received a package from HIMI'Store, following an order I had made with them.
It's a store based in China that sells cute stuff and clothes. Most of them are Japanese-style (ex: kawaii).

My opinion of HIMI'Store will be at the very end of this post.

How the clothes were packaged:

These bags are so cool.
I can't compare with a lot of stores, but I've never seen any
other store packing my clothes in such closable bags.

They sent me adorable cat stickers. There are six sheets, and each one has different cats. As for the item on the right... I'll let you take a guess and reveal it at the end of this post! (my guess was a sleep mask or a shower cap).
That was a really sweet thought of them.

Denim suspender skirt

The denim looks really blue and cheap on some pictures.. it's my phone's camera, sorry.
But it's actually much darker in real life. I'd say the color looks like the 3rd picture.

*about this color in reality

Two layers

Buttons to adjust the skirt's length

** Unfortunately, most of my clothes are at my dorm, while I'm at home for the holidays.
So I couldn't try both of the skirts with the clothes I thought would look best with them. It's not that big of a tragedy, but still.

It looks a bit loose. I just realized I can try crossing the
suspenders next time to see if it would fit better.

The sides are a little bit loose, but I think I can arrange that.

Overall: Like I just said, a bit loose, but maybe crossing the straps or pinning somehow the sides will do the trick. Otherwise, I'm really satisfied! I was scared it would be too long, but I find the length ideal. I also love the denim fabric. I actually wished the pale denim version was available (see first model's picture on the skirt's page here), but the store only offered the dark denim one, and I loved so much the style I still bought it even though it wasn't my first color choice. Turns out the dark denim is as gorgeous.

Brown-beige plaid suspender skirt

*Not sure if this is a Tralala copy (or an inspired jumper copied off Tralala), since the brand has a similar skirt (you can just google "tralala plaid jumper"). Though I don't know enough about it to draw a firm conclusion.

Kind of a bad picture colorwise since the skirt doesn't look red/pink.
It's really brown-beige.
Also, I don't know if you can see it, but the suspenders sewing line shows in the front.

The ribbons are frayed, but I can fix it.

*about this color in reality

Again, buttons to adjust the length.

Not as loose as the denim one on the side.

By the way, this "skirt" looks so poufy and I doubt it's because I got a big butt. If it's too problematic I'll probably try to find a way to make it less big (the skirt).

Overall: While the denim suspender skirt could have been a bit tighter, this plaid one could have been a bit more loose..! Thankfully, I can uncross the straps (this gives me a little more space I believe). Let's just say it fits just right. It's ok though, I still like it, and the plaid pattern is so beautiful.

Other thoughts
Shipping: incredibly fast
→ December 7th: placed my order.
 December 23rd: order arrived to my house.
So it took a bit more than 2 weeks to arrive. I couldn't believe it when the mailman arrived this morning with a package for me, I was expecting my order to arrive at the end of January/beginning of February. Usually, whether it's fake eyelashes, jewelry, or small pieces of clothing from Chinese sellers (like on eBay), it takes one month or more to arrive. It's the first time I receive something in the span of ~ two weeks.

Packaging: I already said it, but the items arrived so well wrapped; that surprised me since often, items I order from China arrive in a plastic bag without any protection and sometimes even crushed.

Items: I'm not disappointed at all with the skirts. They fit well and I can't wait to wear them with tights, cardigans, shirts, and pair them with hats, bows and other accessories. I was so surprised at how well they were made. I was certain the fabric would be cheaper, but it's thick and really well sewn. Except for the bow fraying and the sewing lines showing (straps) on the plaid skirt, I didn't notice other defects.

Price: I thought the denim skirt was quite expensive at the start ($29.99, in CAD it's 40$). However, when I received it and saw that the quality was excellent, I believe the price is totally worth it now. It would have probably cost me the same price or more if I had bought the same skirt where I live (if the stores had it.)

In sum: I will definitely buy again from HIMI'Store.

Thank you for reading, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year ☺

Ahh and I almost forgot, look at the free item they sent me with the stickers:

Quite kinky, I think they're too small for me lol. Thus if I end up not wearing them (which would be quite regrettable tbh), I'll certainly give them to someone as a gift.


Update 2017.08.26:
Earlier this Spring, I went to a seamstress to alter the plaid suspender skirt... I just wanted to "tone down" some of the ruffles. But it looks so ugly right now:

This looks so horrible, what a waste. Thing is, this isn't the first time I regret altering clothes I bought... I hope these pictures will serve me as a good lesson.

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